Which Mortgage Feature Suits You Best? Offset v Redraw - ZedPlus

Understanding the differences between an “Offset v Redraw” facility is crucial for effective mortgage management. At ZedPlus, we break down the key benefits and potential drawbacks of each option, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals. Whether you're aiming to reduce interest or need flexible access to your extra repayments, knowing your options can make all the difference.
Learn more about how ZedPlus can guide you in choosing between an offset account and a redraw facility. Visit our blog for detailed insights and take control of your mortgage strategy today.

What is the difference between offset and redraw? | ZedPlus

What is the difference between offset and redraw? | ZedPlus

Strategise your home loan repayment with a thorough understanding of offset and redraw facilities. Learn how they differ and which option aligns with your financial plans here.